Book Trace's Leadership Translation Service

The Safety Reset: Transform Your Team with the Power of Presence (#045)

Title: The Safety Reset: Transform Your Team with the Power of Presence

Discover how to transform your healthcare team's culture through the revolutionary "Safety Reset" method.

In this eye-opening episode, you'll discover:

  • Slow down to speed up: the paradox of effective leadership in healthcare
  • Harness 'therapeutic presence' to revolutionize team dynamics
  • Self-regulation: the key to creating psychological safety for your team
  • Spark a cultural revolution in healthcare, starting with yourself

Key Insights:

  1. SOP3 Method: Slow down to the Speed of your Presence for enhanced leadership
  2. Neuroception: Recognize unconscious safety signals to foster collaboration
  3. Embodied Listening: Deepen empathy through full-body awareness
  4. Vulnerable Leadership: Embrace imperfection for authentic connection
  5. Systemic Ripple Effect: Personal growth catalyzes organizational change

Actionable Takeaways:

  • Start meetings with a presence practice to boost connection
  • Develop self-regulation techniques to model resilience
  • Attend retreats focused on presence and psychological safety
  • Build a peer network for ongoing professional growth
  • Sharpen your non-verbal cue recognition skills

When You're Ready, Here are Two Ways I can Serve You:

  1. Join the Free One-on-One Safe Space Challenge
  2. FREE RESOURCE: Download your copy of "From Burnout to Breakthrough: How to Create Relational Equity on Healthcare Teams" by clicking here!