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Open-Door Policies Don't Work—Only Your Presence Does.

Sep 29, 2024

Read time 5 minutes (Based on Safe Space Made Simple Podcast Episode #24)  

Today, we're diving into a simple strategy revolutionizing how healthcare leaders connect with their teams, solve problems, and rediscover their passion for the work. Get ready – this might just be the calm you've been searching for in chaos.

The strategy is to start a 'closed-door' policy. The policy is simple: You keep your office door closed from 7:30 to 9:00 AM so you can walk shoulder-to-shoulder with your colleagues and team.  

The Invisible Crisis Draining Your Healthcare Team

Let's be brutally honest: We all probably spend way too much time looking at screens behind physically or emotionally closed doors.

We've fallen into the trap of believing that an "open door policy" and rapid email responses equal good leadership. But here's the uncomfortable truth: This approach creates a chasm between you, your colleagues and your team, leaving you blind to opportunities, critical issues, and people feeling unsupported or distanced from you.

The cost? Missed opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, unaddressed problems, and a pervasive sense that leaders are out of touch.

The Hidden Price of "My Door is Always Open"

Take a hard look at your typical day. How many of these hit home?

  • You feel a pang of guilt every time you walk past people without stopping.
  • Staff seem hesitant to approach you with problems (until they have to).
  • You're surprised by issues and wonder why you seem last to know.
  • Your "open door" feels more like a barrier than an invitation

If you're nodding along, you're not alone. But this "leadership from afar" approach is costing you and your team dearly.

The Principle: Connection Before Inbox

Brace yourself for a paradigm shift.

Here's the approach that's giving burned-out leaders a new lease on life:

  1. The Sacred 90: Block off 7:30-9:00 AM for uninterrupted floor time – no meetings, no exceptions
  2. Purposeful Rounds: Use guided questions to encourage meaningful conversations, not just small talk
  3. Be the Support: Offer to cover a patient so staff can mentor each other or learn new skills
  4. Redefine Priority: Realize that relationship-building IS the work, not a distraction from it
  5. Email Triage: Set clear expectations about response times (hint: most things can wait)

Critical care nurse and education leader Simmie Kalan illuminates how this "connection first" approach is transforming healthcare teams and reigniting leaders' passion for the work.

Your Relationship Revolution Action Plan

  1. Start with a Calendar Cleanse
    • Leadership Challenge: Block off 7:30-9:00 AM every day for the next week – no exceptions
    • Team Task: Brief your leadership team on the new approach and get buy-in
  2. Create Your Connection Toolkit
    • Question Bank: Develop a list of thoughtful, open-ended questions to guide your rounds
    • Mind Hack: For every task you're tempted to do, ask, "Could this wait until after rounds?"
  3. Cultivate a "How Can I Help?" Mindset
    • Support Shift: Offer to cover patients so staff can mentor each other or tackle tricky procedures
    • Learning Loop: Use rounds to identify skill gaps and mentorship opportunities in real-time
  4. Build Your Presence Muscle
    • Leadership Exercise: Practice active listening without trying to solve every problem immediately
    • Team Engagement: Encourage staff to text you about bedside issues they want you to see

Addressing Your Connection Hesitations

"I don't have time for 90 minutes of 'chat' every day. There's too much to do!"

Perspective shift: This isn't idle chat – it's your most important work. By investing this time, you'll prevent countless fires, improve efficiency, and build a team that can handle more without you.

"Won't I fall behind on emails and other administrative tasks?"

Leadership insight: Most emails aren't truly urgent. By setting clear expectations about response times, you'll find that many issues resolve themselves or can be handled more efficiently in person.

Your Healthcare Future, Reimagined

Envision this:

  • You start each day with a clear pulse on your team's needs and morale.
  • People eagerly share ideas and concerns, knowing you'll listen and act.
  • Clinical issues are caught early, improving patient care and staff confidence.
  • Rediscover passion for leadership, energized by connections instead of drained by tasks.

This isn't a pipe dream – it's the reality of prioritizing presence over paperwork.

Your Next Move: Ignite Your Connection Revolution

Ready to transform your leadership approach and reconnect with your team?

Here's your first mission:

This week, block off 7:30-9:00 AM daily for unit rounds. No meetings, no emails – just be present on the floor. Use the time to check in with staff, observe workflows, and offer support where needed.

Then, come back and share: What surprised you most about this experiment? What immediate impacts did you notice?

Let's Connect

How are you currently balancing administrative tasks with frontline presence? What's one small step you could take this week to increase your visibility and connection with your team? I'm eager to hear your challenges and victories.

Remember, in healthcare, your most powerful tool isn't your inbox or your title – it's your presence. It's time to reclaim your role as a connected, engaged leader who truly understands the pulse of your unit.

Here's to breaking free from the email prison and rediscovering the power of presence,

Have a wonderful week!

Warmly, Trace

P.S. Craving more strategies to build stronger connections with your healthcare team? Dive into Episode #24 of Safe Space Made Simple, where Simmie Kalan and I unpack the game-changing potential of prioritizing presence over paperwork. Available in both audio and video formats at [link to podcast].



Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:



  1. Join the Free One-on-One Safe Space Challenge
  2. FREE RESOURCE: Download your copy of "From Burnout to Breakthrough: How to Create Relational Equity on Healthcare Teams" by clicking here!

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