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Micro-Feedback: Team Transformation in 60 Seconds!

Oct 13, 2024

Read time 5 minutes (Based on Safe Space Made Simple Podcast Episode #38)

As a healthcare leader, you're always looking for ways to improve patient care and boost staff morale. But between managing crises, juggling schedules, and navigating bureaucracy, finding time for team development can feel impossible.

What if you could transform your team's communication, boost morale, and improve patient outcomes – all in just 60 seconds?

In this newsletter, you'll discover the untapped potential of micro-feedback. It's not just another management fad – it's the key to creating a culture of continuous improvement and mutual support.

The Invisible Barrier in Healthcare Teams

In the high-pressure world of healthcare:

  • Feedback is often saved for annual reviews, missing countless opportunities for growth
  • Minor issues snowball into major problems due to lack of timely communication
  • Staff feel underappreciated, leading to burnout and turnover
  • Learning opportunities are lost in the daily grind

Many leaders believe they don't have time for "constant feedback." But this silence costs more than you think – in terms of team cohesion, patient safety, and your sanity.

The 60-Second Solution: Micro-Feedback

Here's how to implement it:

  1. Make It Immediate: Offer feedback as close to the event as possible
    • Why it matters: Real-time feedback reinforces positive behaviours and nips issues in the bud
    • Example: A quick "Great job staying calm with that difficult patient" in the hallway
  2. Keep It Specific and Actionable: Focus on observable behaviours
    • Why it matters: Concrete feedback is easier to understand and apply
    • Example: "Your clear handoff to the night shift improved patient safety" instead of "Good job."
  3. Balance Positive and Constructive: Aim for a 3:1 ratio of positive to constructive feedback
    • Why it matters: Regular positive feedback creates a foundation of trust for when constructive feedback is needed
    • Example: Highlight three strengths before addressing one area for improvement
  4. Invite Reciprocation: Ask for feedback on your performance
    • Why it matters: This flattens the hierarchy and creates a culture of mutual growth
    • Example: "What's one thing I could do to better support you this week?"

From Skeptic to Believer: A Leader's Journey


"But won't constant feedback feel like micromanagement?" When done right, micro-feedback feels like support, not surveillance. It's about catching people doing things right, not nitpicking every move.

"I'm not comfortable giving feedback so frequently." Start small. Set a goal of one piece of micro-feedback per day. As you practice, it'll become second nature.

The Ripple Effect of Micro-Feedback

Imagine a workplace where:

  • Team members constantly learn and grow from each other
  • Small issues are addressed before they become major problems
  • Staff feel seen, valued, and motivated to excel
  • Your role as a leader shifts from putting out fires to igniting passion

This isn't just a fantasy. It's the reality that awaits when you harness the power of micro-feedback.

Your Next Step: The 60-Second Challenge

Here's your call to action:

  1. Choose one shift this week for a micro-feedback trial
  2. Set a goal of giving three pieces of specific, positive feedback
  3. Ask yourself these questions at the end of the shift:
    • How did it feel to give the feedback?
    • How did the recipients react?
    • What impact did you notice on team dynamics?

As a healthcare leadership coach and former executive leader, I've seen firsthand how this simple practice can transform teams, careers, and personal relationships.

Your Turn to Speak Up

  • What's your biggest challenge in giving or receiving feedback at work?
  • How might the principles of micro-feedback improve your relationships?

Click reply and let me know!


Have a wonderful week!

P.S. Craving more? Dive deep into Episode #38 of Safe Space Made Simple


Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Join the Free One-on-One Safe Space Challenge
  2. FREE RESOURCE: Download your copy of "From Burnout to Breakthrough: How to Create Relational Equity on Healthcare Teams" by clicking here!




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