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How to Create a Speak-Up Culture on Clinical Team

Jul 07, 2024

Creating a culture where team members feel safe to speak up is critical in healthcare. In this week’s episode of "Safe Space Made Simple," Dr. Mitchell Kusy and I discussed the importance of what he calls a “Speak-Up” culture.

Most leaders make the mistake of thinking that people aren’t talking because they are shy, don’t have anything to share, or don’t want to engage. This fosters silence, secrecy, and whispers in the hallways that undermine the team’s morale and, ultimately, patient care.

Dr. Kusy and the Healthy Workplace Institute encourage leaders, teams, and systems to foster respectful communication, professionalism, and accountability. 

Let’s get into the key takeaways from our conversation.

Why Don't People Speak Up?

Many leaders mistakenly believe that fear of being fired is why staff don't speak up.

However, the findings show a different picture:

  1. Fear of Reprisal: Staff are more concerned with subtle retaliation, like being gossiped about.
  2. Lack of Trust: Team members don't believe their feedback is valued, so they stay silent.
  3. Cultural Barriers: A culture of not questioning authority stifles communication.

The Impact of a Speak-Up Culture

When team members feel safe to speak up, it leads to:

  •  Improved Patient Care: Issues are addressed promptly, reducing errors and improving outcomes.
  •  Increased Innovation: Staff are more likely to share and collaborate on ideas and solutions.
  •  Higher Engagement: A trusting environment boosts morale, engagement & retention. 

Critical Insights from Dr. Mitch Kusy

Dr. Kusy emphasized the importance of awareness and proactive strategies.

Here’s what he shared:

1. Conduct Objective Assessments

Understand the Baseline: Conduct comprehensive assessments to identify pockets of toxic behaviour. This includes surveys, individual interviews, and focus groups.

Action Step: Do a reliable survey to gather quantitative and qualitative data on team dynamics.

2. Provide Training and Support

Build Awareness and Skills Educate your team on recognizing bullying and incivility and equip them with tools to address these behaviours.

Action Step: Schedule regular training sessions on conflict resolution and effective communication.

3. Develop a Compact of Professional Behaviours

Set Clear Expectations Create a one-page document outlining the behaviours your team always wants and those they never want to see. This becomes a shared agreement and a benchmark for team interactions.

Action Step: Facilitate a team workshop to co-create the compact. Ensure everyone has input and buy-in, making it a living document that guides daily interactions.

4. Implement Regular Check-Ins

Foster Continuous Improvement Regular check-ins with your team help maintain a pulse on the culture and address any emerging issues promptly. This reinforces the importance of a speak-up culture and shows commitment.

Action Step: Establish a routine for team check-ins and individual meetings. Use these sessions to discuss any concerns, celebrate successes, and reinforce the compact of professional behaviours.

Takeaway: Speak Up Culture Enhances Team Effectiveness

Prioritizing a speak-up culture enhances team cohesion, improves patient care, and fosters innovation. It’s not just about addressing problems—it's about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Final Thoughts

As a clinical leader, your greatest asset is your team’s trust. Fostering a culture where everyone feels safe to speak up creates a more resilient, innovative, and effective team.

Action Step: Start by listening to the interview with Mitch Kusy on Tuesday July 9th at 5:00 AM PST.

Creating a speak-up culture is essential for effective clinical leadership.

Prioritize it, and watch your team transform.

See you next time!

Warmly, Trace 


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Safe Space Team Building Workshops:   Are you an executive leader dealing with burnout and low retention? A healthcare manager with disengaged teams? Or a clinical leader facing staff resistance? Our 4-hour Safe Space Team Building Workshops can help. Join over 1,500 healthcare professionals who've experienced the transformation of team cohesion by fostering workshops that foster respect, trust, and support that make your job easier. Reach out today to book a workshop and improve your team's culture.

2. Safe Space Group & Team Coaching: Are you struggling with burnout, retention, or morale? Safe Space Systemic Group and Team Coaching can help. Join over 1,000 healthcare leaders who've transformed their practices with psychological and neurobiological safety. Through group and team coaching, you'll learn to create a workplace where everyone feels safe, connected, and energized. Unlock 25 years of expertise with proven methods and actionable strategies. Transform your leadership and your team's well-being today.

3. Safe Space Training & Mentorship:  Are you struggling with burnout, retention, or morale? Safe Space Training and Mentorship can help. Join over 500 healthcare leaders who've transformed their practices by integrating safe space-informed coaching. Learn to emotionally regulate, co-regulate, and lead with psychological and neurobiological safety as your foundation. Transform your healthcare system by first transforming the one system you fully control—yourself. Direct message me to arrange a consultation and start your journey today.


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