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Replace Yourself or Burn Out! Your Leadership Succession Playbook

Sep 22, 2024

Read time 5 minutes (Based on Safe Space Made Simple Podcast Episode #25) 

Imagine walking into work tomorrow, and when you get there, you're greeted by your team, who say: "You're going on a surprise holiday. We'll do your job while you are gone. Don't worry. We don't need you. We've got this—and you—go have fun!"

Sounds impossible in today's healthcare pressure cooker, right? Wrong.

Your team has the potential to replace you completely, but if you don't create succession by identifying your replacement and helping your leaders do the same, burnout will increase, and retention will decrease.

Why don't leaders do this? They think:

  1. "I don't have time."
  2. "People can't do what I do."
  3. "Find my replacement! What will I do?!"

Succession is a practice that has to be done intentionally. Besides, if you disappeared from your organization tomorrow, it would not shut down—it would move on without you in no time. 

In today's newsletter, I will share how you can use succession as a primary leadership practice to delete burnout and expand retention. Spoiler alert: This will also accelerate your career trajectory because your boss will recognize that as a stand-out leadership skill.

The Vicious Cycle Eating Healthcare Leaders Alive

Let's get real: You're drowning.

  • Constant staff shortages mean you're doing the work of three people.
  • The pressure to "do more with less" is pushing you to the brink.
  • You can't remember the last time your inbox was up to date.
  • Developing your team feels like a luxury you can't afford.

And the kicker? This hamster wheel is driving away your best people (and maybe you're eyeing the exit too).

But here's the uncomfortable truth: The very thing you think you don't have time for is your lifeline.

The Hidden Cost of "I'll Get To It Later"

Take a hard look at your reality. How many of these hit home?

  • You've lost key team members, and their irreplaceable knowledge walked out the door with them.
  • The idea of taking time off fills you with dread because no one else knows how to do your job.
  • You're constantly firefighting, with no time to think strategically or develop your team.
  • Deep down, you worry that you would come back with even more to do if you left.

If you're nodding along, you're not alone. But this "I'm indispensable" trap is a one-way ticket to burnout and systemic distress for you and your team.

The Vierman Principle: Your Burnout Escape Hatch

Here's the mind-bending shift that's giving burned-out leaders a new lease on life:

  1. Safe Space is Your Superpower: Learn to say "I don't know" and ask for help.
  2. Shared Leadership is Self-Care: Distributing responsibility isn't lazy.
  3. Teaching is Learning: Developing others reignites your passion.
  4. Vulnerability Breeds Loyalty: They need the real you.
  5. Growth is Contagious, And people stick around.

Caroline Vierman, healthcare leader and coach, illuminates how this "develop to thrive" approach is becoming a lifeline for leaders on the brink.

Your Burnout-Busting, Team-Strengthening Action Plan

  1. Start with a Sanity Check
    • Leadership Challenge: Identify three tasks that constantly drain you and choose one to delegate this week
    • Team Task: Implement a "no-blame zone" for mistakes, focusing on learning instead of punishment
  2. Create Your Leadership Greenhouse
    • Space Shift: Carve out 30 minutes a week (yes, it's possible) for team skill-sharing sessions
    • Mind Hack: For every crisis you handle, ask "Who could I teach to manage this next time?"
  3. Cultivate a "We've Got This" Mindset
    • Question Quest: Start team meetings with "What's one thing you learned or taught someone this week?"
    • Learning Loop: Rotate leadership of team huddles, giving everyone a taste of steering the ship
  4. Build Your Resilience Muscle
    • Leadership Exercise: Share a current challenge you're facing and brainstorm solutions as a team
    • Team Engagement: Create a "skills wishlist" where team members can volunteer to teach or learn from each other

From Burnout Brink to Leadership Lifeline:

I was the poster child for burnout - running on fumes, convinced the whole department would crumble without me.

Reality check: My martyr complex was setting us all up for failure.

When I finally embraced developing others as a form of self-preservation, I felt like I could breathe again. Suddenly, I wasn't just a taskmaster—I was a mentor, cultivating a team that could handle anything.

The impact? It saved my career, my health and my family.

My stress levels plummeted, team engagement soared, and, for the first time in years, I took a vacation where I actually unplugged because I knew my capable team had it covered.

Addressing Your Development Hesitations

"I'm already working 60+ hours a week. How am I supposed to find time to develop others?"

I get it. And the truth is, this does take more work on the front end.

Perspective shift: Every minute you invest in developing your team pays dividends in time saved later. It's the difference between constantly putting out fires and building a fire-resistant team.

"If I make everyone else capable of doing my job, won't I become obsolete?"

Leadership insight: True job security doesn't come from being irreplaceable - it comes from being the person who can build and lead an exceptional team. You're not training your replacement; you're proving your value as a leader-of-leaders. Besides, when you see people that you supported moving into their best careers and leadership roles even though they weren't sure they could do, it will give you JOY!

Your Healthcare Future, Reimagined

Envision this:

  • You have a trusted team who can step in when you need a break.
  • Knowledge is shared openly, creating a team that's adaptable and resilient.
  • Staff turnover plummets because people see clear pathways for growth and feel valued.
  • You rediscover your passion for healthcare leadership, and you have the impact you want to.

This isn't a pipe dream - it's the reality waiting on the other side of embracing psychologically safe succession planning.

Your Next Move: Light Your Leadership Spark

Ready to step off the burnout treadmill and build a team that thrives? Here's your first mission:

This week, identify one aspect of your role that constantly stresses you out. Find a team member who shows potential in that area and schedule a 30-minute "mini-mentoring" session to start sharing your knowledge.

Then, come back and share: How did it feel to start lightening your load? What unexpected benefits did you discover?

Why This Matters (And Why You Can Trust Me)

I'm Trace Hobson, a healthcare leadership catalyst and host of the "Safe Space Made Simple" podcast. I've been in your burnout-adjacent shoes and witnessed firsthand how developing others can become a leader's lifeline. The results aren't just career-saving - they're life-changing.

Have a great week, and remember to be a safe space—especially for yourself!

Warmly, Trace

P.S. Hungry for more insights? Dive into Episode #25 of Safe Space Made Simple,



Here are two ways I can serve you when you're ready:

  1. Join the Free One-on-One Safe Space Challenge
  2. FREE RESOURCE: Download your copy of "From Burnout to Breakthrough: How to Create Relational Equity on Healthcare Teams" by clicking here!


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