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Emotion Revolution: Why "Sucking It Up" Will Kill Your Culture

Sep 15, 2024

Read time 5 minutes (Based on Safe Space Made Simple Podcast Episode #26) 

Imagine if embracing emotions at work could transform your chaotic healthcare environment into a high-performing, psychologically safe haven for everyone, especially you!

Let's uncover the counterintuitive approach that's turning emotionally repressed healthcare teams into safe spaces where people trust and support each other and excel in their careers.

Today, we're diving into a powerful shift reshaping healthcare leadership from the inside out.

Get ready – this could flip what you thought you knew about professionalism on its head.

The Emotional Suppression Epidemic Plaguing Healthcare

Let's face it: Most healthcare environments treat emotions like unwelcome intruders.

We've fallen into the trap of believing that "sucking it up" and maintaining a stoic facade is the hallmark of professionalism. But here's the uncomfortable truth: This emotional suppression is costing lives, burning out staff, and holding back the entire healthcare industry from crucial advancements in team dynamics and patient care.

The cost? Miscommunication, decreased empathy, and a culture of silent suffering that's driving talented professionals out of healthcare in droves.

The Hidden Price of "Leave Your Feelings at the Door"

Take a moment for some honest reflection. How many of these resonate with your healthcare environment?

  • Leaders dismiss emotional concerns as "fluff" that have no place in clinical practice.
  • People hesitate to voice concerns or disagreements for fear of being labelled "unprofessional."
  • Stress and burnout are accepted as unavoidable and ignored or glossed over by leaders and teams
  • Post-traumatic experiences are swept under the rug in the name of "moving on" and "staying strong."

If you're nodding along, you're not alone. But this "emotions are weakness" mentality comes at a steep price—one that healthcare can no longer afford.

The Radhakrishnan Principle: Embrace to Excel

Brace yourself for a paradigm shift. Here's the approach that's breathing new life into healthcare team dynamics:

  1. Acknowledge Emotions as Data: Treat feelings as valuable information rather than suppressing them.
  2. Create Safe Spaces for Expression: Designate times and places for open, judgment-free dialogue.
  3. Develop Emotional Intelligence: Train leaders and staff in emotional regulation techniques.
  4. Practice the Power Pause: Implement brief moments of reflection before decisions.
  5. Separate Person from Role: Recognize and humanize people first.

Rekha Radhakrishnan, professional coach and co-founder of Under the Bodhi Tree, illuminates how this "emotion-embracing" approach can transform healthcare spaces, team dynamics, and patient outcomes.

Your Roadmap to Emotional Revolution in Healthcare

  1. Start with Self-Awareness
    • Leadership Challenge: Keep a daily emotion log for one week, noting triggers and responses
    • Team Task: Implement a "feelings check-in" at the start of team meetings
  2. Create Your Emotion-Friendly Zones
    • Space Shift: Designate a "decompression room" for staff to process difficult experiences
    • Mind Hack: Introduce the concept of "emotion-free" vs. "emotion-aware" professionalism
  3. Cultivate Curiosity About Feelings
    • Question Quest: When tensions rise, ask "What's the emotion behind this reaction?"
    • Learning Loop: Implement monthly "Emotional Intelligence" workshops for all staff
  4. Build Your Empathy Muscle
    • Leadership Exercise: Practice active listening without trying to "fix" emotional sharing
    • Team Engagement: Rotate "Emotion Ambassador" roles to champion emotional awareness

From Emotional Desert to Oasis of Understanding: A Leader's Journey

I used to pride myself on running a "no-nonsense" department. Emotions? Those were for off-hours.

Reality check: I was actually suffocating our potential by ignoring the very thing that makes us human.

When I finally embraced being emotion-aware in my leadership, it felt like a fog had lifted. Suddenly, I wasn't just managing a department but nurturing a community of human beings, with me at the top of my list of people to take care of.

The impact? Beyond my wildest expectations.

Our team's communication improved dramatically, and staff retention skyrocketed. We became known as the go-to department for handling complex, emotionally charged cases because our emotional awareness translated directly to superior operational results.

Addressing Your Emotion Hesitations

"We don't have time for 'feeling sharing' – we're too busy saving lives."

Perspective shift: Emotional awareness isn't a time sink—it's a time saver. By addressing underlying emotional currents, you prevent miscommunications, conflicts, and burnout, which drain far more time and energy in the long run.

"Showing emotion makes me look weak as a leader."

Leadership insight: True strength comes from vulnerability and self-awareness. By modelling healthy emotional expression, you create psychological safety that allows your team to bring their whole, authentic selves to work.

Your Healthcare Future, Reimagined

Envision this:

  • We enter every high-stress situation with emotional equilibrium and crystal-clear communication.
  • Staff at all levels feel empowered to voice concerns and innovative ideas without fear.
  • Patients sense the genuine empathy radiating from an emotionally intelligent team.
  • Burnout rates plummet as team members feel seen, heard, and supported.

This isn't a far-off dream—it's the tangible reality that awaits those who embrace the power of emotions in healthcare. This new reality is happening in teams in Canadian healthcare every day. How did they do it? They dared to work differently.

Your Next Move: Ignite the Emotion Revolution

Ready to transform your healthcare environment through the power of emotional intelligence? Here's your first mission:

This week, implement a 2-minute "emotional weather report" at the start of your team huddles. Each person briefly shares their emotional state using a weather metaphor (e.g., "I'm feeling partly cloudy with a chance of frustration today").

Then, come back and share your experience. How did it impact team dynamics? What surprised you about the process?

Why This Matters (And Why You Can Trust Me)

I'm Trace Hobson, a healthcare leadership catalyst and host of the "Safe Space Made Simple" podcast. I've witnessed firsthand how embracing emotions can transform struggling healthcare teams into high-performing, resilient units. The results aren't just impressive – they're reshaping the future of healthcare delivery.

Let's Connect

How are you currently addressing emotions in your healthcare setting? What's one small step you could take to create more emotional awareness on your team? I'm eager to hear your insights and experiences.

Remember, in healthcare, we're not just treating bodies – we're caring for whole human beings, including ourselves. It's time to claim your role as a pioneer of emotionally intelligent healthcare.

Have a great week, and remember to be a safe space—especially for yourself!

Warmly, Trace

P.S. Hungry for more insights on building emotionally intelligent healthcare teams? Dive into Episode #26 of Safe Space Made Simple, where Rekha Radhakrishnan and I unpack the game-changing potential of embracing emotions in healthcare leadership. Available in both audio and video formats at [link to podcast].



Here are two ways I can serve you when you're ready:

  1. Join the Free One-on-One Safe Space Challenge
  2. FREE RESOURCE: Download your copy of "From Burnout to Breakthrough: How to Create Relational Equity on Healthcare Teams" by clicking here!

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